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Blog Posts (7)
- Update coming soon to History page for 100th anniversary
We are hoping to update the history page on the website.
- See the photos from Bishop Robert Mark Pipta's Ordination
Other Pages (16)
- Kid'z Byz | Sts. Peter and Paul
Kid'z Byz For more information about our children's programs, please contact the parish office. Below are some fun games, videos and news for children. Feel free to inquire on our Sunday school classes and other exciting events for the children. If you have talent to guide the children or would like to be more involved in raising the children of the parish family, we encourage you to volunteer by calling the church. Children's Newz Sunday school classes start every Sunday at 9:30 AM and end by 10:45 AM. Of course we encourage all parents to attend liturgy either before or after the class and attend the classes either with your children or join us in the adult classes in the church hall during the same hour. Days that classes will be cancelled for any reason will be announced here or in the bulletin.
- Contact Us | Sts. Peter and Paul
Phone: 330-372-1875 Infant of Prague Manor: 330-372-4700 St. Peter and St. Paul Byzantine Catholic Church
- Our Cemetery | Sts. Peter and Paul
Location: 1751-1867 Hewitt Gifford Rd SW, Warren, OH 44481 For More information Call The Office